
Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma and cataract surgery. Assistant of the Department of Glaucoma Microsurgery and Diagnostics at the Medical University of Lublin.

Dorota Pożarowska

Dr. n. med. specialist in eye diseases

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Others are just performing treatments. And we are changing the lives of our patients for the better.

Eyemed Czechow one-day surgery hospital and ophthalmology clinic
13 Witolda Chodźki Street, Lublin
Eyemed LSM Ophthalmology Clinic
Pana Balcera Street 6b, Lublin

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Just send us your name and your preferred contact - phone number or email and we will contact you to schedule a consultation. We look forward to seeing you at Eyemed.

Short on time?

Just send us your name and your preferred contact - phone number or email and we will contact you to schedule a consultation. We look forward to seeing you at Eyemed.

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